Old man and the cypress trees

There's a section of the Retiro park in Madrid with these great sculpted trees and the old men come and sit under them and chat about the day.

Toledo telephone pole


Some friends and I were walking through Toledo when we happened upon a small plaza that had nothing to do with tourists and in the middle was this ancient telephone pole, still in service. very cool.

Almond grove 2

Almond grove

Spring time in the Retiro park in Madrid

Surfer 2

Continuation on the surfer theme


This is one of my favorites to date


Inspired by a friend of mine

Casa en Campillo

After visiting with friends to their country home, I was inspired to create this scene. It is a beautiful village where all the houses are made of slate and pine timbers.

1407 N Clinton Blvd

This is the view from our front porch when we lived at 1407.